Van Lagen Homes

At VanLagen Homes, we build homes that embrace family living. Let us put life to your new space.

Design and Build

We believe everyone building a custom home deserves an enjoyable experience. Joe’s Carpentry’s process of building combined with 45+ years of experience  ensures that your family’s dreams and goals are reached. The building process is no small commitment, as your builder we strive to make the process as seamless as possible.

Design, Plan and customize your design down to the smallest of details. Custom homes are perfect for people who enjoy a detail-oriented process and generally are not willing to compromise on their vision. Creating a custom home means building your family’s dream home from scratch. Our team works with you to tailor the home to your family’s desires and needs. Design, plan and select each detail of your home’s construction. Choose details from the home’s layout to hardware and paint colours

  • Detail-oriented Process
  • Dream home from Scratch
  • Design & Plan your Home
  • Work with Us and Enjoy 45+ years Experience

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